Thursday, March 30, 2006
You Can't Blame A Girl For Trying
This picture was taken on July 9th when Thomas turned 4 months old. I loved this outfit and even though it was a 9 month I put him in it. He wore it a lot because, well I loved it. This quickly became a favorite picture of mine.

It's been hanging in his closet because I couldn't bear to pack it away. It looked to be in similar size to some of the other rompers in his closet so I thought, what the heck I'll try it.

Well, as you can see it's a little small. It kind of hugged around his diaper. It made me sad that he can't wear it anymore and to see how big he has gotten. I remember positioning him just right on the couch to get the 4 month shot. Tyler was standing near by to catch him when he would fall because he kept losing his balance. This time I had to take the picture very quickly because he kept trying to walk off the couch. It's amazing how much can change in only 8 months.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I Don't Know That I'm Ready For This Phase!!
I am a talker. If you read this blog (and I guess since you're reading this you do) then you know I can ramble. Well, I have a very non-verbal son. People comment all the time about how quiet he is, and he really is. He has been saying versions of Da-da for quite some time now, and occasionally trying to say other things, but they also tend to come out sounding like da da. And even then he still wouldn't do that a lot. Well, this past week he has started saying words. And they actually mean things. No, he is still not saying Mama and I am okay with that (I think), but he can now say "juice" "cheese" and "thank you." Of course, if you are not fluent in baby talk juice is probably the only one that you would understand, and that is mainly because he says it as he points to his sippy cup. I can handle all the physical crazies that my child can do, but I don't know if I am ready to deal with talking, talking back, answering "why" questions, hearing no (he does already shake his head for no, usually when he is already doing something that he knows he shouldn't be doing), I kind of enjoy my wild, but silent boy. And part of me knows that once he starts this verbal journey there is no turning back, it's in his genes.

Monday, March 27, 2006
The Two Sides to Thomas
The Child Every Parent Dreams Of:

I mean come on, he's one, he's Swiffering what more could you ask for. Thomas does love to clean. He loves the vacuum, the Swiffer, the broom, baby wipes, etc. He could clean all day long. I am not sure where he gets this trait from. If only we didn't have child labor laws in this country. I would so set him up cleaning people's houses. That would be a great way for him to earn his keep.

Except, of course. The Child Every Parent Dreads:

Thomas can also make a royal disaster of any room in you home. Watch out because when he gets on a rampage there is no end in site. This is what I deal with each day. And I wonder why my house is always a disaster area. This is it.

(Also, if you enlarge this last picture you can tell that his shirt reads, "Pee all you can pee." I can thank my Aunt Landa for that. She also got him his pooting bear, a poop shirt, and plenty of other disgusting things.) Hee

Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Here They Are, As Promised
So, here are the pictures that I tried to get up the other day. I love this first picture because it shows the way Thomas leaves my kitchen. He has two cabinets that he is allowed to play in so he pulls everything out all the time.

And here is my sweet little reader.

It's times like these that you can actually feel your heart swelling inside of your chest. It's an amazing feeling looking at your wild little boy sitting sweetly and playing.

We went to the park today with one of our friends and Thomas got filthy. I don't just mean dirty. I mean he was dirty from head to toe. It was great, he is such my little boy. I took some pictures (pre dirt). I will get them up later. He is now taking a rocking nap after playing outside all morning. There's nothing like hot Florida sun to make a little boy sleepy.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I still have some pictures to post and I will get to those later, but Tyler and I have decided to make a friends wedding into a little family vacation and I am so excited. Those of you who know us know that we very seldom (read: never) get away. So, one of his friends is getting married on April 22 in Knoxville, TN which is about a 13 hour drive from here. We know that we can't do it with Thomas so we are going to make pit stops on the way there and back. And where are we stopping for 2 days on the (not so) way there?? In Columbia SC to stay with Jen I am so excited. The stop actually doesn't add too much to the total travel time either. We still haven't come up with our coming home stop, but that one is not nearly as exciting anyway. Woo Hoo, here we come Baxleys!!

Monday, March 20, 2006
Sometimes I Hate Blogger
So I had a whole post ready to put up. I had some pictures, they were cute, you were all going to love them and guess what. For some reason blogger is taking FOREVER to load pictures and so long that it was cutting out and not loading them. I only got one uploaded. So here is all I've got. The post was going to be for Jen, my Mom, and Heather. They were all pictures that they specifically would love. The only one that it loaded was the one for Jen. I have converted Thomas' car that Jen gave him from a walker to a car. He thinks it's really cool, but doesn't quite know how to "work" it. I called her laughing hysterically the other day because instead of sitting and pushing with his feet he just walks with it between his legs. We have tried to show him the correct way to use it, but he just won't do it. And now, he doesn't even hold onto it with his hands, he just walks and it moves with him. He, of course, now thinks this is incredibly funny since we both think its so funny.

While I know the picture doesn't do it justice we did get video footage. So Jen here's your picture. Mom yours will come soon, it's him playing with his LeapPad book thing which he loves and also doesn't quite know how to work yet, but still loves and Heather, yours was a picture of Thomas with his car and the path of destruction behind him. So stay tuned.

Thursday, March 16, 2006
A Glimpse Into Our Day
We take life very easy around here. We have fun with our friends and we like to hang out at home. Thomas is getting more and more independent. I am finding things each day that he is able to do. One of the new great things is being able to give him a bunch of snacks and him just take his time and eat them. This is opposed to him shoving all of them into him mouth and then choking. Since when I fix dinner seems to be our most demanding time of the day, his new freedom has come in very handy. I can now put him on the kitchen floor with his snacks and let him go to town. He love the new Gerber freeze dried corn. Of course, I find them super yummy too.

I also love that he really has taken to books. I am a book lover so this makes me happy, but the reason I love this picture is it shows his super long legs. I was sitting by him and just couldn't believe how tall he is getting.

And how crazy. He is our little climbing boy. He sat in his toy chest today on and off for about an hour. He was having the greatest time with his aquarium.

I think of all the stages that we have hit so far this is my favorite. He is still my baby, but is getting so big and so fun each day. He really does seem to learn something new everyday and it is great to watch and enjoy.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
So Much For Posting More Often
Well, after all of my big talk last week about trying to post more often I have fallen a little short this week. It has been a little crazy around here. It seems like Thomas and I have been on the go all week. He was ultra tired this week because of his birthday sugar filled weekend so I have just been trying to make sure he gets all of his naps in. I took him to the doctor on Monday for his shots and he didn't cry until the one that "burned." It amazes me that he is so cool with this stuff. He totally gets it from me. Last night he woke up crying for like an hour and a half. He has never (and I actually do mean never) done this in his entire life. We don't know if it was the shots or maybe a little case of allergies since the entire city of Tampa has about an inch of green film covering it. This year seems to be a little worse than usual. So needless to say we were both a little tired today and some of us were cranky and cried a lot. But then I got over it and made it through the day. Ha!! So anyway, I have taken some pictures and will work on posting them tomorrow or Friday. We have church softball on Friday night and I will try to remember the camera. Daddy is actually pitching so that should be fun(ny). Thomas loves going and playing in the dirt. He was covered in filth last week.

Monday, March 13, 2006
Happy Happy Birthday Party!!
Here are some pictures from Thomas' birthday party. We had a great time and some yummy food cooked up by Tyler and his friend Darren. (And others who brought things.)

Tyler said it seemed like Thomas roamed around a lot by himself as opposed to him playing with his friends that were there. I just said he was working the crowd making sure that everyone felt welcome.

He wasn't too sure about his party hat. He kept yanking it at first.

I love this picture. It's him with his bestest of friends. And Matthew is "conducting" the birthday song.

He mainly just smeared his smash cake as opposed to eating it. I kept feeding him some so he knew what it would taste like, but he preferred to smear it around.

"I think I am going to puke!!"

Thomas has remnants of the blue icing all over his shirt. Luckily he got a knew shirt from his aunt and uncle so we changed him after opening that gift.

The second gift he opened was a Noah's Ark water toy and basically he just played with that while me and the McNichols kids opened the rest of his gifts. The last gift we opened may very well have been his favorite. I can't say that it's mine.

My brother and his family got him the dance and shout Elmo. He loves it and it sings a lot and is loud and is constant. I really think they hate me!!

But, it makes the birthday boy happy and isn't that what really matters? Unless, of course, I have to be put in some type of asylum because I can't get the song Shout out of my head.

Friday, March 10, 2006
The Time Had Come
Well, we did it. Today we took Thomas to get his beautiful locks cut off. He did not cry, I did not cry. I would say all in all it was a successful trip. Alan, who gave Tyler his first haircut, took care of Thomas as well. He did a great job. Thomas with Daddy and Alan getting ready for the haircut. Awww, the first of the curls slipping away. All done and looking like the big boy that he is now. It didn't look that different to me until we got home and he was walking away from me. That is when I kind of got sad, but still I didn't cry. I think it's because I knew that his hair had gotten a little out of control. But part of me hopes that within weeks it will look like that again.

Thursday, March 09, 2006
A Year Ago Today
Dear Thomas, Today, you turn a year old. It is amazing how fast the time has gone. The first 3 months of your life seemed like they would last forever. Then the next 9 flew by as if they were a day. You have grown so big and gotten so old so quickly. It seems like overnight you went from being my tiny little baby to a big boy. That is one of the reasons I can't bring myself to cut your hair. The curls and fly aways keep you my baby, once it's cut I'm afraid you will look too much like a big boy. So that is my excuse for your current hippie hair style. You've started trying to "run." You get to a certain speed though and lose your balance and kind of fall sideways. It is so cute. You especially do this for the McNichols kids who you think are you siblings. They may think you are theirs as well. The relationship that you are forming with them is so sweet to me since I kind of see them as my older children and always hoped you all would love each other too.
Mild separation anxiety has come into our lives. Believe it or not it doesn't usually involve me. You cry for you daddy when he leaves. He is your ultimate playmate and it makes you sad to see him leave. I am not sure whose heart this breaks more, mine or his. I love that you and your daddy are so close. The other person you cry for is Megan. If you had your way, she would never leave your side. She loves this. She thinks it's great that she can make you stop crying by hugging you. I hope that this will never be focused toward me since I am the one who has to leave you more often at church. I don't ever want to have to walk away with you crying.
We took you to the Strawberry Festival today. You loved all of the junk food. It makes me a little proud to know you have inherited our love for both crappy and tasty food. Your favorite was the fried Oreo. You would cry in between bites so finally we just handed you one. You, my little boy, were in heaven!!

You also love the talking rooster in a car. You tried to get up into the car with him. Everyone was cracking up at you. We wanted to take you to see his show, but it started too late and you were a little tired.

You are so much fun little boy and I am so glad that you are mine. God did me a special favor when he chose you for me and I am thankful to Him for it. You are my baby boy and I love you so much!!

So, Happy Birthday Baby Boy.

Love, Mommy

Wednesday, March 08, 2006
How Glad Am I??
That I currently don't look like this. This picture was taken 1 Year Ago!! We were about to head to dinner and then to the hospital. I was so ready. I had gotten as big as I was prepared to be.

12 Month Check Up
I have decided that I need to be better about posting more often. I was thinking the other day what it is about the blogs that are my favorite. Why are they my favorite? The one thing that is common about my favorite blogs is the frequency with which they post. Miss Zoot is one of my favorites, not only because she is pretty funny, but because she updates at least every day and most of the time several times a day. So, here I am trying to do better. And I am also going to try and write about more than just how much I love and adore my son. I know, (gasp) but there actually is other stuff going on in my life.
But for today (and tomorrow too) I will be talking about Thomas. We had his 12 month check up today and it went great. He didn't get any shots which is awesome. He will have to get them on Monday though. :( He is still really tall, 31 1/2 inches and not as skinny, 22.6 pounds. That puts him in the 90% for height and 50% for weight. So he's still our long and lanky boy. They did have to do some blood work today so they had to prick his finger and then squeeze out the blood. Now, my son is really dramatic so I was planning for the worst as was the nurse. I hugged him as she pricked, no tears. We both looked at him. She then started filling the tube and still no tears this went on for about 2 minutes and he never cried. She declared him her most favorite patient ever and said that he is the first to never even tear up while she was doing this. I was proud.

Mom, of course I am strong. It comes from all of this furniture moving I do. Although I think it might be giving me a hernia.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Fast Does Not Begin To Describe It
No, the title of this post does not actually refer to the fact that Thomas will be a YEAR old in only two days. Two days, two. I really can't believe it. It has more to do with my "older children." My friends Ina & Scott had to leave town suddenly this Sunday to attend a funeral, so Thomas and I stayed with their kids that night. I was watching them carry him around and play with him and feed him and just love all over him and it began to hit me. That is how quickly he will grow. I became a baby sitter for them when Will was 6 months old. He will be 6 next month. Megan is 4 1/2, Matthew 8. It's amazing. They are no longer babies, but little people. Meg is getting so tall and becoming such a big girl. It is so hard for me to believe. So now as I begin to contemplate the fact that it has already been a year since Thomas was born I know it's only the beginning. He will be big before I can even imagine. He is already so big. I know that's what is supposed to happen in life, but isn't there a part of every mother that wishes she could just keep her baby a baby forever?? (one that sleeps through the night, of course.)

Saturday, March 04, 2006
Who Says You Can't Have Good Looks and Brains?
It has been a crazy week, as probably noticed in my last post, Thomas was about to drive me over the edge. He is always non-stop, but not usually bad. The beginning of the week, he had been non-stop and a little bad. Not being used to this I had about lost it. But as usual things got better and Thomas has gone back to normal. (so to speak) Since my last post was about him basically getting on my nerves I felt I needed to show something that melted my heart.

The other day in his room he was sitting on the floor "reading" books. He kept getting new ones and flipping through them. It was so cute. This night he also played in his room while I was cooking dinner. He just quietly played. So, he doesn't always try to climb and burn himself on the stove.There may be some days that my blue eyed beauty makes me crazy, but most of the time he just melts my heart. I just need to keep these memories at the front of my mind and when he starts making me crazy I will just chant, "he looked at books, he looked at books, it was so cute remember how cute." Hopefully this will keep him from sending me over the edge. (He turns one in 5 days, 5 DAYS!!! I can't believe it!!)