I have decided that I need to be better about posting more often. I was thinking the other day what it is about the blogs that are my favorite. Why are they my favorite? The one thing that is common about my favorite blogs is the frequency with which they post. Miss Zoot is one of my favorites, not only because she is pretty funny, but because she updates at least every day and most of the time several times a day. So, here I am trying to do better. And I am also going to try and write about more than just how much I love and adore my son. I know, (gasp) but there actually is other stuff going on in my life.
But for today (and tomorrow too) I will be talking about Thomas. We had his 12 month check up today and it went great. He didn't get any shots which is awesome. He will have to get them on Monday though. :( He is still really tall, 31 1/2 inches and not as skinny, 22.6 pounds. That puts him in the 90% for height and 50% for weight. So he's still our long and lanky boy. They did have to do some blood work today so they had to prick his finger and then squeeze out the blood. Now, my son is really dramatic so I was planning for the worst as was the nurse. I hugged him as she pricked, no tears. We both looked at him. She then started filling the tube and still no tears this went on for about 2 minutes and he never cried. She declared him her most favorite patient ever and said that he is the first to never even tear up while she was doing this. I was proud.
What a big strong boy, and not to mention tough for not shedding a tear!!
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