Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Wordless Wednesday

This is not going to be a Wordless Wednesday only because I want to explain... some of the blogs I read do WW and I was thinking I might start. Sometimes I have pictures such as this one that really don't need an explanation. So pretend this is wordless and enjoy the picture.

Friday, May 26, 2006
Lowered Expectations
I think there are so many lessons that come with being a parent. The first of many is selflessness which unfortunately some parents never learn, but fortunately most parents do. Along with that comes many other lessons and you begin to see changes in yourself and realize that you have become only a similar version of the person that you were prior to entering your parenthood role. Jen, Heather, and I all went to Cedar Key this past Thursday to take pictures of Heather. We also took Thomas and Martha. Needless to say the day did not go as we might have had it pictured in our minds.

Martha did love Addie, my parents dog. And my dad which is weird because up until this very point on their trip to FL she had hated all non-Jen humans. This did give Jen a very nice break and my dad couldn't have loved his role as super hero any more.

Thomas was doing great the beginning of the day. He was tired due to not napping on the way there, but otherwise seemed to be a trooper. Until dinner time. I couldn't get him to eat which is very unusual. It was explained later when I picked him up and he puked all over me. Not just once, but about 5 times.

I got us all cleaned off and we headed off to take pictures. And can anyone guess what happened in the car??? Come on and guess. Yay for whoever guessed Thomas puking more. We dropped Heather and the photographers (my mom and cousin) off and went to my brothers to clean up yet again. This was luckily the last puking incident of the trip.

But can anyone guess what I did all night long that night??? Yeah, yeah, exactly.

I remember us girls going to Cedar Key once pre-babies. It involved boat rides, sun bathing, napping, yummy food, site seeing, shopping, etc. I had a similar expectation going into this trip it just involved the occasional diaper changing, but boy was I wrong. It's times like these that I realize what having children does to you. It makes you such a bigger person who can cope with what seems like the worst of situations. It also makes you realize that those situations aren't so bad. Yeah, the tripped seemed a little hellish, but we did laugh and we did have fun so all in all we can see a little bright side to it. It's just not a very shiny one.

Monday, May 22, 2006
I'm Alive, I'm Home, Life Is Good
Oh geez, where to even begin about where I have been how busy I have been and how it is only the beginning. I couldn't give earlier details, but I was baby sitting last week for the family I worked for for 5 years. It was their 10th anniversary on Thursday and he surprised her with a trip away for 5 days. She had no idea and was blown away. So, for 5 days I had 4 kids (including my own.) We had school to do, swimming, baseball, stitches to have removed, movies, not to mention feeding them, washing them, and getting them all to bed. I AM EXHAUSTED!! It was great to be back with the kids though and Thomas loves them so much. I did not ever remember to take my camera to their house so I go no pictures. No shots of all 4 playing baseball in the backyard, the 2 youngest playing with Thomas on the jungle gym, all 4 in the bath tub because if one got to take a bath with Thomas then all 3 had to take a bath with Thomas. It was a great time. We had a ton of fun and I do wish I had my camera with me, but hopefully the memories will stay. I do have some pictures to post though. And here they are with little captions and only some type of order.

William turned 6 on April 30th. We attended a little dinner for him the next Sunday. He actually requested that I make his cake. Box cake with store bought icing. It was always my favorite and it looks like it might be his too. And since it was his birthday we let him eat the icing straight from the container.

Matthew, William, & Megan

Thomas loved having all of the kids to play with at the party.

Just because I love it & think it's funny.

Hmmm, is he trying to tell me something??

I didn't get the hint, because this next picture was taken about 20 minutes later.

He was promptly put into bed. I do have some more recent pictures that I will try to get up, but the next two weeks will be a little crazy so I will try and get to them, but I'm not making any promises.

Monday, May 15, 2006
Long Time No Post
So, it's been a while since I have posted anything and this post will hardly be one. I have a CRAZY week coming up (More details to follow.) so it may be a while before I put up a post that is worth you even coming to read, but once my crazy week is over I will have posting beyond postings. With the upcoming wedding & friends coming and going to Cedar Key and parties and so much fun there will be tons of pictures which I know you will all be dying to see. I had a very nice mother's day and I hope all of you did too. It's always nice to be made feel special and that is what my boys did. Of course, in true fashion, we did not have the camera for anything that we did. Have a great week, and I will try to get up at least one post later in the week.

Thursday, May 11, 2006
Sitter = Cleaning
Argh, I have a new sitter coming to keep Thomas tonight. My house is a complete disaster!!! We don't use a sitter very often (with the exception of my mother-in-law and she knows that I am an awful housekeeper) so I don't often have to do a mad cleaning before we go out. Then, when we don't use her we use one of our friends daughters who also knows that my house keeping skills leave something to be desired, but neither one of those were available tonight so we have someone new coming. I can't let a new sitter think that we live in total clutter all of the time. Even though we do. I have been cleaning since I got up this morning and still have so much to do, but it's all worth it. We are going to dinner with some friends and without Thomas. Oh, how we love our little boy, BUT it will be so nice to go to dinner without him.

Yes, even him.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006
The Day He Became a Boy
No, this isn't one of those sappy post about how I miss Thomas being a baby and being cuddly and being sweet and small. He is in a really fun stage right now and I am enjoying it a lot. But, the baby that I had at my house last week is no longer here. Here's the proof.

I took him on Saturday to get a "trim." This is what we got. I call it a scalping. It is so short, his curls are gone and he looks about 3. It's amazing what a hair cut can do. His first one was not so traumatic because the guy really did just trim it. I guess you get what you pay for since I went to SuperCuts this time.

I did run into a girl from church after I had it done, and she said that she cuts hair and would trim it up for me when needed. I told her I would definitely take her up on that offer to avoid any more scalping catastrophes.

I know that he is growing up (he's 14 months today), but I miss the curls and if those happen to make him look a little more like the baby I visualize him being that's okay too. He will only be able to look babyish for so long so I don't mind taking advantage of it while it lasts.

Monday, May 08, 2006
I have added some links to photo albums on the right side. I will try to do this periodically as a way to show the family (since they are the ones who really care) all of the photos of Thomas.

Where I'm From
Tyler took a couple of friends up to Cedar Key on Saturday to do a little fishing and playing around. One of them was Billy. He took these pictures, as well as a slide show. He did a great job so be sure to check it out. Especially if you are one of my family members who live or have lived there. You'll love them.

Friday, May 05, 2006
New Post Coming Soon!!
I have a post I would like to write, but Thomas has been sick and he doesn't sleep when he is sick and so therefore I don't sleep when he is sick and I just laid him down for a nap which means now is the perfect opportunity for me to also lay down for a nap which means I am not going to take the time to edit and post pictures right now or try and make my thoughts somewhat coherent. (Hey, now that is one heck of a run-on sentence. My English teacher would be proud!!) Happy Friday, have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006
I have a Flickr account, but haven't really used it because I don't know of anyone who has had pictures printed from them. If I am going to upload pictures I would prefer to do it to only one time. If their photos don't come back a good quality then I would rather not have a photo link on my site and continue to use some of the photo upload places I have already used. Let me know what you think of Flickr and how their quality compares to others. Have any of you had pictures printed from them??

What do you think of my new look??? Isn't it awesome!!! I can really take no credit as it all goes to Miss Zoot whose praises I have sung here before. She does great blog designs and will often offer them for free which is how I got this one. So, she is now very high on the list of people I love!!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006
More Reading For Blogging Moms
I love reading blogs. I spend most of Thomas nap time catching up on my recorded shows and reading blogs. There, I've taken the first step by admitting to it. I have linked here before to Miss Zoot who I absolutely love. I also love reading Amalah, but have refrained (until now) from linking to her because the language is a little off and I don't know how many of my readers would think that is okay. Saying that, she is hilarious and has a very funny outlook on life. She has now started writing for Club Mom and basically it is a blog that links to other mom blogs. So, if you are looking for some new good reads check it out. I think you will enjoy it.

Monday, May 01, 2006
Rocking Fun
Thomas was having a lot of fun in his rocking chair today so I had to take some pictures.

This is one of my favorite expressions of his. It's just so sweet.

I won't say that after watching American Idol and hearing of a contestant nicknamed Bucky that we actually started calling Thomas Bucky, but if we maybe did... this picture would tell why.

I can't make fun though because those teeth were totally inherited from me. And truthfully, us calling him Bucky is a joke and we have only done it once or twice.

The Mind Is Blank
Well, I have nothing interesting to post, but I was going to post some incredibly cute pictures which I can't seem to upload. I guess this is a recurring problem with blogger. Nothing too out of the ordinary has happened around here lately. We are just living life and enjoying being home and getting back to our routine. This month is going to be crazy with the upcoming wedding and some different things that we have going on. I am enjoying this week as time to rest up and get ready for our May adventures. As the title implies, my mind is blank so I won't bore you with rambling. I hope you all had a great weekend and I will try and post pictures later.