Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Our Big Circle Through the South
I say, if you are going to go a little white trash, you might as well go all the way!!

Thomas loved riding his Uncle Micah's tractor. He couldn't really make it go anywhere, but just sitting on it and turning the wheel made him happy enough. And ya know, if you're going to go riding on your tractor, you might as well go with no shoes or shirt.

I just couldn't resist this picture. You know I love my boys and after looking at this, can't you see why??

After leaving Columbia, SC where we visited Jen, Micah, & Martha we drove through NC on our way to Knoxville, TN. Tyler was in a wedding there. The weather was nice and stormy, but cool which was a nice change for us. It stunk though because I had big plans for Thomas and I to hang out in the pool, but the weather was so bad that we couldn't even use the indoor pool.

This is the only picture I have of Thomas and I from the trip. Nice, huh!!

Of course, I have this beautiful one of my two incredibly handsome guys.

And this?!?! Is a very sad attempt at a family picture. I may have now officially given up.

Believe it or not, those are the best from the collection of pictures that we took on our trip. I know, I know, we should become professionals. Ha, my husband kinda is. Not really, but kind of. Well, remember we were very, very tired.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Will We Ever Get There???
So many meanings to this title. First, it was my thought the ENTIRE time we were gone. I restate that Thomas HATES the car. More than he hates having his diaper changed, and if you only knew how much he hated that.
Secondly, I don't think my life or his will get back to normal anytime soon. I have no pictures to post because I haven't even loaded them onto the computer because I am not even sure that I know where the camera is right now. The laundry is piled up almost as tall as the washer and since I have yet to get to that I am not seeing it getting smaller in the near future. And sleep?? Who needs it right? For sissies, I think. We are tired. Oh are we ever tired. I am hoping to catch up sometime soon, but I just don't think there is time. Thomas has been sleeping late which is nice, but that is because he is WAY off schedule and staying up until about 9 every night. One night on our trip he stayed up until 11:30. That's right, I said 11:30. Luckily tonight after only a one nap day and a trip to the pool he is in bed by 8:30. Sweet!! Maybe I will try and get started on that laundry since I have already missed most of American Idol. I will try and get some pictures up soon. And give you the more exciting details of our trip. (You notice that I am NOT calling it a vacation. Can a road trip with a 1 year old ever be called a vacation??)

Monday, April 17, 2006
Enough To Keep You Happy While We're Gone
A few words and a lot of pictures:
We leave for SC & TN tomorrow. I can't wait to see Jen and see how big Martha has grown. I am pretty sure that I won't be posting while we are gone so here are some great pics to keep you company while we're out of town.
Thomas has started feeding himself

His favorite so far is the corn!!

My least favorite is the spaghetti.

He ran his first real fever last week. (This was not shot induced.) We are pretty sure that it was roseolla since he did get a mild rash afterward. He was so pitiful while he was sick. We cuddled a lot which is rare these days.

He loved his Easter basket. It had some toys and Peeps. Jen said Martha liked them so the bunny thought Thomas might too. The bunny was wrong. We think that the texture of the granulated sugar creeped him out.

And he maybe had an non age appropriate chocolate bunny in his basket.

Which he love A LOT. We had to take it away from him after he had devoured the ears and half the head in a matter of seconds.

He maybe cried a little when we took it away.

"I am drunk on chocolate bunny. I love the bunny."

Ah, but with a face like that you just let him eat the bunny.

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Happy Easter!!
From our family to you we wish you a very happy Easter. We hope you enjoy your time with family and friends celebrating this all important day.
And yes, Thomas was as unhappy and tired as this picture portrays. Luckily next weekend we will be wearing basically the same thing so maybe a better family photo will be taken then.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
I Wanna Be Just Like You
In the mid 90's a Christian group recorded a song called "I Want to Be Just Like You" that I loved. It had such a great message to all father's out there to depend on their heavenly Father so that they'll be able to be the father they need to be. I am so blessed to be married to a great Christian man. Tyler is very involved in church activities (not just because he happens to work there) and has many Christian friends he is a loving husband and father and works very hard to provide for us both the things we need and many of the things that we want. I can only hope that Thomas will grow up to become like his father. The other day Tyler was working in the yard and Thomas "helped" him. They had a lot of fun together and it actually made me think about that song which I haven't thought about for a long time. (And none of these picture are posed.)
"Lord, I want to be just like You,

'cause he wants to be just like me.

I want to be a holy example for his innocent eyes to see.

Help me be a living bible Lord for my little boy to read. Lord, I want to be just like you 'cause he wants to be like me."

And, honestly, who wouldn't want this little person to become like them? I am so thankful that Thomas loves his daddy so much. They have a very sweet relationship that I can't wait to watch grow as he gets older and he can really help his daddy and learn so much from him.

Thursday, April 06, 2006
This Looks So Much Cooler (and easier) When Other People Do It
I read a lot of blogs and a lot of those are "mommy blogs." Most of the women seem like really cool fun people in real life which is probably the reason I enjoy reading their blogs. They also take cool pictures of their children and other things that I have been able to learn from, but not necessarily pull off. Since I said I would post a picture of my hair I decided to do the cool mirror pictures that I have seen on a lot of blogs. Theirs look cool, mine not so much. I am blaming it on the fact that we have no big mirrors in our house only little oval ones.

Of course, as usual my son looks adorable in these because that is just how unfair life is.

So, there's the hair, I hope you guys like it, and I can't wait to see yours Molly. You will have to post some pictures of it. And now to bid you farewell - a kiss from Thomas.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006
So Long Time No Post
It seems like it has been forever since I've posted anything. Probably because it has been. And when I was cleaning the other day I put the camera away so it's been forever since I have taken pictures since it's not out there and convenient to use. Sigh! We have been fairly busy around here. I am not sure what we are doing, but I feel like we are busy. The time change has been awesome in our house. Thomas had started getting up at 6:30 which has become 8:00. I have to say as a fan of late sleeping I am totally into that. So with the sleeping late and all of the reality shows that I'm addicted to I just can't find much time to blog. I mean with Amazing Race, Survivor, The Apprentice, Next Food Network Star and American Idol, not to mention Gilmore Girls, CSI, John Doe (reruns, sad, I know) and even Survivor reruns plus that whole raising a kid thing there just isn't much time for the computer. Also, we have started Gymboree. We have a music class one Monday and then go to the gym class on Friday. Thomas loves it. His favorite parts are the parachute and the bubbles. Of course, things we could totally do at home for very cheap, but this gets him out and interacting with other children.
I got my hair cut on Monday. It had been a long time and really needed it. I think it looks cute. I will try and post a picture for those who care. (That being my mom, Jen, Mary Beth, and maybe Heather.) The rest of you I will try not to judge for not caring. When I came home after having it done Thomas kept looking at it and trying to figure out exactly what was different.
In Thomas news: He has maybe become just a little sweeter since my last post. I know that seems totally impossible, but it's true. He now blows kisses and totally does it when someone tells him good bye. Today we had lunch with Ina and I told him to tell Aunt Ina bye and give her kisses and he waved and then started blowing kisses and kept doing it for a while. It then became him blowing kisses as we were walking through the mall which charmed every lady we walked by. It really is so stinking cute. I am going to attempt to start posting video, we will see how that goes.
So that's it for us. Now it's just time to prepare for our trip. We leave in 2 weeks. I can't wait. Get the toys ready, Martha, we'll be there soon.