Sunday, July 31, 2005
Friends and Family Yippee!!
This is a fun week. Our friends the Baxleys are in town for the week. Thomas is enjoying his time with his "girlfriend" Martha. We had a fun time at lunch today at the Johnston's house. Here are some pictures that we took there. I am sure that I will be posting a lot of pictures this week. :) Jen is here for a week and then will be going back to South Carolina and we won't see them again until October, and Aunt Heather moves to Minnesota in two weeks and we won't see her until the end of October. She says that she will miss Thomas the most out of all of us. Those of you who personnally know the whole family can understand why. :) Thomas is by far the sweetest and most loving as well as the cutest.

What is Thomas doing with that group of girls?? He seems to be enjoying himself with Kindra, mommy, Martha, Jennifer, and Aunt Heather.

Thomas and daddy playing.

Thomas with his Aunt Heather. He is sure gonna miss her. She moves away from us in 2 weeks. :(

Thomas with his friend Kindra. Notice the huge towel bib. It's what his life has come to. He will forever wear the huge towel bibs. Ahhh, such is life.

The two new little families. Tyler & Ida with Thomas and Jen & Micah with Martha.

The "old crew" with a couple of new members.

Random picture of Thomas in his puppy towel, but I thought it was so cute that I had to through it in the group of pics.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Our Little Boy Isn't So Little Anymore
This was Thomas on his first day in his infant car seat. He was a whopping 7 pounds 12 ounces and 20 inches long. Today he is over 15 pounds and 26 inches long. His infant car seat is safe up to 20 pounds, but only up to 26 inches long. So he now looks like this in his seat...
His little feet were hanging off, and his head was very close to the top. That meant that it was time to move him up to his big boy car seat. Awww, he looked so big in his old one, now he looks so little in his new one. Here are some pics of him in his new seat.

He is a little unsure about this whole experience. We told him he would be okay. I think he knows that he will be.

Giving him the mirror made this experience a lot better. :)

He decides he is okay with this new seat.

Other New Stuff
Thomas had given me some signs as to wanting different food. I know it sounds crazy, but I just knew he was ready. So today I decided to try a little bit of rice cereal. He went crazy. He loved the stuff. He already gets a lot of that in his bottle, but I guess it was much better tasting when he knew he was eating it like he was big. I called the doctor who gave us the go ahead to start Thomas on veggies. As long as he is getting the amount of formula he needs during the day, he can also eat some real food. So tonight, we started with peas. He would laugh and smile when I would put the spoon toward his mouth. He loved it. If I was a little too slow, he would grab my hands and shove them toward his mouth. He did really good at keeping it all in. I was very impressed. So, another fun new stage in Thomas life. We shall see how it goes!!

He loved the food. Even if his first taste was peas. Yuck!!

He would grab my hand and help me put the spoon in his mouth.

Man, mom this is AWESOME stuff!!

Sunday, July 24, 2005
Man I Love Cable!! (and DVRs)
Why do I love cable you may ask. For reasons that only a true reality TV junky can understand. I am counting on you Molly!! Starting tonight on the Outdoor Life Network (ch. 74 for those in Tampa) they are replaying all of the Survivors starting with season one. (I am gonna cheer for Richard Hatch!! hee hee) It is showing every night (even weekends) at 7 p.m. without the commercials. And why do I love my DVR?? Because I have set it to record every single episode. Ahhh, sometimes you can find great joy in the simplest of things.

Saturday, July 23, 2005
Fun in Ellenton
We took Thomas shopping at the Ellenton Outlet mall today. (and Yoder's too. He didn't get any pie, but he was eyeing it!!) He is the only one who got anything. Isn't that just the way it is once you have children?? We bought him a couple of outfits as well as a new stuffed horse. For those of you who have heard stories about his stuffed monkey... the horse was the same. He loves chewing on his stuffed animals. Here are some pictures of our intense child with his new stuffed animal. I have to admit that it has already been well worth it's price.

Thomas has just noticed that I am taking his picture. I love the funny expression on his face. You can tell in this pic how soaked the horse's face is. Yuck!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Thomas' Funniest Friend
I have mentioned before that my son is vain. Oh, is he. Here is proof. This is one of his new favorite things to do. Look at himself. He will laugh and smile and talk. He just goes crazy. He does not do this for other real babies. Just the one that looks and talks like him. Hmmm, I think we are going to have to work on this one day. I mean a healthy self-esteem is one thing, but it can get out of hand, right??

Our Little Morning Sunshine!!
Thomas is always happy. He wakes up happy, he goes to sleep happy, and he is happy in between. That is, of course, if he wants to wake up. If he does not, then he is not always happy during any of those times... until he is able to wake up happy again. Today was one of those day. Daddy got up early to do some work around the house. He woke up me because an appraiser was coming to look at the house. He then woke up Thomas while he was doing the work. Ahhhh! Two out of three getting up way before we were ready. (Okay, so we are talking 7:30, but it seemed much earlier.) This is the face I was greeted with. The normally smiley face that greets me in the morning looked more like this. I couldn't help but take a picture. That made his concerned expression even worse.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Tummy Time
This is the reason I now check on my son all during his long naps. That is, of course, if I am not taking one myself. He will sometimes stuff his blanket right up to his nose. And if you notice where is left arm is red, it's because he had his head on it and his face smushed right down into the matress. I moved him from this position. I have given him permission to sleep on his tummy, but NOT face down. :)

Saturday, July 16, 2005
A New Day Has Dawned!!
We have hit one of those wonderful milestones at our house this week. Thomas is now on a 4 hour schedule and is taking those 2 glorious long naps. We sometimes still need a little cat nap before bedtime, but are usually okay without it. "Sweet" is all I have to say. So here is the update on our little boy. He went for his 4 month check-up on Monday. He weighs 15 lbs. 5 oz. which is in the 50-75 percentile for his age. He is 26 inches long which is in the 90th percentile. It appears he is going to be a tall lanky boy. (For all those who have known both Tyler and I in our past life... we know who he gets it from. Only to mean that the weight will come later.) He has now officially become a tummy sleeper. The first couple of nights I refused to lay him down on his tummy. I couldn't sleep. I soon found out that it didn't matter. He would end up on his tummy anyway. This has not aided his nighttime sleeping. We are still slaves to the paci and get up to give it to him atleast twice a night. And, of course, all of you moms out there know that when I say "we" I mean me. Tyler will often think that he has slept through the night. I quickly correct him and then silently brew that I am the only one awakened by Thomas' cries. Thomas continues to get extra smiley and is beginning to laugh more. I will post some new pics of him later. Since as he gets bigger, I can't help but think that he is getting cuter. :)

Monday, July 11, 2005
A Man is ALWAYS A Man!!
Sometimes I am reminded that my little boy is not just a little boy, but a little man. He loves sitting with me at the computer, he smiles when I am changing his diaper (especially poopy ones), he loves being naked, he loves to hold the remote, and he is extremely intense. My mother-in-law says that Tyler was also intense very early on. This worries me even more. He grabs his toys with such force. I put together his ExcerSaucer this weekend. He loves it. He can already spin around to the different toys that he wants to play with. His favorite, of course, is the little mirror. He is vain. As we move toward legos, computer games, cars, trucks, and sports I am sure that the intensity will grow. So will the fun. So is the life with little men.

Teething and playing combine into one activity. This is the first thing I have found, other than his fingers, that he will teeth on.

Thomas attacking the monkey with one hand and the rhino mirror with the other.

Thomas is already the "King of the Remote." He loves to hold it.

Saturday, July 09, 2005
My Baby Boy Is Four Months Today!!
Well, four months have passed since my little Thomas was born. It is now 9:30. I look at this picture and think about what I was feeling four months ago. Both emotionally and physically. I was tired. So so tired. :) Who knew you could be so happy and yet so tired. I remember Tyler telling me that I needed to take a nap one day when Thomas was about 2 weeks old. My response was the same as always, "That is easier said then done." His response, "I just want your eyes to look normal again." It was said out of love. I assure you. They did look bad, but it was because I was soooo tired. Well, Thomas is still not sleeping through the night, but he only gets up to have the paci popped back in. So, I am doing much better. So unlike the first few months of his life, I had time today to pose him for a bunch of pictures. He is so sweet. Tyler says I abuse him with the picture taking, but I know one day we will look back and be glad that I did. Hope you enjoy the pics of my little four month old.

Tyler and I both think this is a very silly face. He always gets a great response from us whenever he does his extra cute face. Again I say, yes, we are smitten with our little boy.

Standing like a big boy. He did this for quite some time while I took pictures.

Is that face cute or what??

This is another one of my favorite newborn pictures of Thomas. It just shows what a beautiful little newborn he was.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Why Children Keep you Humble
This is one of my favorite pictures Thomas. It shows one of the many reasons why your life totally changes once you have children. People tell you that it will, but you don't know how or in what ways. I have a son who spits up. He does not care who you are or where you are. He is and equal opportunity spitter. He spit up on a sweet lady that wanted to hold him on Sunday. I felt so bad. Luckily she took it well. (He then spit up on her son a couple of days later. Sorry guys.) The thing is, you get used to it. I very seldom leave the house anymore without spit up somewhere on me. I may have hidden it well, but I can assure you it's there. And if it's not, it will be. It bothered me in the beginning, and I changed both of us everytime it happened. Now, it is several spit ups before either of us changes. I just couldn't do that much laundry anymore. So all this to say, this is one of the many ways that I have become humbled as a mother. I know one day he will grow out of it. We will both get up and dress and wear the same clothes all day. But... then it will be something else. Potty training anyone?? So I will continue to become more selfless and humble. This is a good thing. I am convinced it is one of the many reasons why God allows us to have children. It's one of his many ways of showing us that we are NOT the center of the universe. So with each day that I clean up Thomas, my floor, my couch, and sometimes myself I will learn to put things before me. I will grow into the mother that God wants me to be even if it takes many messy days. I know that my little boy will add more joy to my life than a little spit up can take away. He already has.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005
The 4th of July
For the 4th of July Tyler, Thomas and I went up to Cedar Key. Blake and Heather joined us. We took Thomas out the boat for the first time. He seemed to enjoy the water when we got there. He did not mind the boat ride, but he didn't love it either. Of course, if you look at the picture below, you will see that it may have had something to do with the huge life jacket. They just don't make them to fit babies his size. It was a great trip and Thomas was, as usual, a trooper. He has been so tired today after his busy weekend and was very glad to see his own bed.

Thomas was a little unsure about the boating. Well, not so much about the boat as he was about the life jacket. Once we informed him that it was and essential boating item he took it well. Posted by Picasa

"Mom, what are you doing to me??? Is this necessary??"  Posted by Picasa

Thomas enjoying a finger snack while floating in his raft. Posted by Picasa

Thomas checking things out and making sure that everyone is doing what they are supposed to be doing with Papa's help. Posted by Picasa

Thomas enjoying the water. He like putting his toes in the sand. Posted by Picasa

The best way to end any holiday. A nap and a good cuddle with your MeMe Posted by Picasa

Aunt Heather and Blake Posted by Picasa

Mary Beth (cousin) and Ryan Posted by Picasa