This is one of my favorite pictures Thomas. It shows one of the many reasons why your life totally changes once you have children. People tell you that it will, but you don't know how or in what ways. I have a son who spits up. He does not care who you are or where you are. He is and equal opportunity spitter. He spit up on a sweet lady that wanted to hold him on Sunday. I felt so bad. Luckily she took it well. (He then spit up on her son a couple of days later. Sorry guys.) The thing is, you get used to it. I very seldom leave the house anymore without spit up somewhere on me. I may have hidden it well, but I can assure you it's there. And if it's not, it will be. It bothered me in the beginning, and I changed both of us everytime it happened. Now, it is several spit ups before either of us changes. I just couldn't do that much laundry anymore. So all this to say, this is one of the many ways that I have become humbled as a mother. I know one day he will grow out of it. We will both get up and dress and wear the same clothes all day. But... then it will be something else. Potty training anyone?? So I will continue to become more selfless and humble. This is a good thing. I am convinced it is one of the many reasons why God allows us to have children. It's one of his many ways of showing us that we are NOT the center of the universe. So with each day that I clean up Thomas, my floor, my couch, and sometimes myself I will learn to put things before me. I will grow into the mother that God wants me to be even if it takes many messy days. I know that my little boy will add more joy to my life than a little spit up can take away. He already has.
love this post!! Great job!
I think mr. harry posted on your site. Not sure if he left his name though.
Again, great post!
he will stop spitting one day (even Blake stopped spitting), but the lessons stay with you. Parenting, I believe, is the first time in life that you truly start doing self-less things and thinking of others first. Great post, girlfriend...we need to get together soon.
he will stop spitting one day (even Blake stopped spitting), but the lessons stay with you. Parenting, I believe, is the first time in life that you truly start doing self-less things and thinking of others first. Great post, girlfriend...we need to get together soon.
hey wats up well im 13 and i think being a parent is great i would love to have a kid of my own one time to but keep on loving ur child and u will receive happiness in eturn well g2g
love,13 yr old gurl
I saw this on Billy's blog and had to respond...
It takes me back to Lilly, (who will be four next Sat.!)
He will grow out of it... give it another 4 or 5 months. (It will diminsh greatly along the way.)
Kids do humble you... I echo Molly's sentement.
I'm so glad to keep up with you via the blog! :)
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