Well, four months have passed since my little Thomas was born. It is now 9:30. I look at this picture and think about what I was feeling four months ago. Both emotionally and physically. I was tired. So so tired. :) Who knew you could be so happy and yet so tired. I remember Tyler telling me that I needed to take a nap one day when Thomas was about 2 weeks old. My response was the same as always, "That is easier said then done." His response, "I just want your eyes to look normal again." It was said out of love. I assure you. They did look bad, but it was because I was soooo tired. Well, Thomas is still not sleeping through the night, but he only gets up to have the paci popped back in. So, I am doing much better. So unlike the first few months of his life, I had time today to pose him for a bunch of pictures. He is so sweet. Tyler says I abuse him with the picture taking, but I know one day we will look back and be glad that I did. Hope you enjoy the pics of my little four month old.
Again, great post! Lost those pictures. His little face is so cute.
Went to the wedding yesterday, wish you all were there but I know how important it is that you have you time off and enjoy even if you don't go anywhere. Their house is really beautiful i'd like to go back and tube down the river.
have a great weekend and stay out of the rain, how is it there???
Molly just turned her comments back on. Go over there and post a few for fun!
Just because I'm even getting tired of looking at my face on your xanga site i'm going to post here. Sorry, it has nothing to do with that adorable little kid thomas.
Ryan keeps suggesting that we stack up hay bails in the corner of the reception hall and invite someone to play the banjo. I just told him that as far as I know Judd Waddell doesn't make wedding overalls. So your idea of having lounge chairs isn't so bad, even if we get them out of my neighbors yard...rust and everything.
Have a great vacation next week. I need to come down there again to look at the veil and also order invitations. So maybe I can come down early on a weekday, we can go look at them then I can babysit while you nap.
(i'm glad i just posted this info instead of emailing you for everyone to read.)
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