Oh geez, where to even begin about where I have been how busy I have been and how it is only the beginning. I couldn't give earlier details, but I was baby sitting last week for the family I worked for for 5 years. It was their 10th anniversary on Thursday and he surprised her with a trip away for 5 days. She had no idea and was blown away. So, for 5 days I had 4 kids (including my own.) We had school to do, swimming, baseball, stitches to have removed, movies, not to mention feeding them, washing them, and getting them all to bed. I AM EXHAUSTED!! It was great to be back with the kids though and Thomas loves them so much. I did not ever remember to take my camera to their house so I go no pictures. No shots of all 4 playing baseball in the backyard, the 2 youngest playing with Thomas on the jungle gym, all 4 in the bath tub because if one got to take a bath with Thomas then all 3 had to take a bath with Thomas. It was a great time. We had a ton of fun and I do wish I had my camera with me, but hopefully the memories will stay. I do have some pictures to post though. And here they are with little captions and only some type of order.
William turned 6 on April 30th. We attended a little dinner for him the next Sunday. He actually requested that I make his cake. Box cake with store bought icing. It was always my favorite and it looks like it might be his too. And since it was his birthday we let him eat the icing straight from the container.
William is lookin old in these photos. G whiz the time is flyin.
I agree with Billy! All the kids look so big... I'm blown away!
Ida Marie put him to bed....so sweet. i'll be home tomorrow so i'm going to join you all in CK. Not that it matters because i want to see you regardless but...uh...(clearly my throat)...will Thomas be there??
I'm glad you liked the pictures on my xanga. i wasn't sure if heather would mind that i posted them or not....after i thought about it i realized that anyone who looked as beautiful as her wouldn't mind me showing her pictures. it was lots of fun!!!
and.....Thomas is just adorable. i was so glad to see him again.
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