I have mentioned before that my son is vain. Oh, is he. Here is proof. This is one of his new favorite things to do. Look at himself. He will laugh and smile and talk. He just goes crazy. He does not do this for other real babies. Just the one that looks and talks like him. Hmmm, I think we are going to have to work on this one day. I mean a healthy self-esteem is one thing, but it can get out of hand, right??
well when you're good looking you just gotta see what all the fuss is about.
It is hard to be humble when every living soul you meet reacts like you are just the most amazing, wonderful human they have ever laid eyes on!
Cause and effect people.
Time for us all to start treating him like he is a naughty little monkey boy who is going to have to struggle ever day of his life to be loved and accepted. "Just you wait until you next meet Mr. Billy I fix you Thomas Michael" (imagine if you will evil laughter here).
Juuuuust Kidding!
Well, Billy wouldn't you agree that he is the most amazing, wonderful human that people have ever met? I mean, all those people cannot be wrong!! :)
Of course you are right. That is what babies are all about. Admittedly I am jealouse. I was secretly hoping that Tyler would get himself a real challenging baby so I could watch him squirm but he has managed to find himself in yet another ideal situation.
I love the pictures, but the comments are very entertaining as well!
Commenting on the 'morning sunshine': I agree, 7:30 is a tad early. We've taught Lilly that when the 8 on her clock and the 8 taped to her clock match, then she can get up. (of course, this will have to change soon b/c school starts at 9:00 and it's about 20 mins away. :( )
By the way, I can't take credit for that trick... I learned it from Amy!
The blogs are great!
Can you believe that the current Voth babies get up at 6:30!!!!! and somedays it is EARLIER!!!!! I swear, there must have been a lab error, these cannot be MY children. So, I would love to sympathize with you over 7:30 but that would be sleeping in around here lately!
He is truly very very cute (and obviously looks just like you and not Tyler!)
love the pictures - and way to go on keeping up with your blog!
hi, thomas is soooooooooooo cute. But if he ever wants to make friends he will have to stop. But i personally think it is adorable. A funny trait, but if you call training babies to go to the potty in the potty poddy training, then what do call this? By the way billy told me what to put.
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