Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween Everyone!!
Thomas and I had very busy day that was full of everything that Halloween should be full of. We enjoyed the somewhat cool weather (okay, so just not blazing hot weather) we have been having lately and set out to take some fall pumpkin pictures. I think it is written in some parent handbook, that during your child's first fall you must take pictures of them with pumpkins. So, since we are not ones to stray too far from tradition off we went. Since I didn't feel like driving to find some sort of pumpkin patch in Tampa, we went to Ina's house where there were pumpkins and hay to spare. Then after a great nap we headed to the Autumn Fest that our church holds each year. Thomas ended up not going to bed until 10:00 tonight. He is our little party animal. If there is something to see or do, he is going to see it and do it.

Which Pumpkin? This Pumpkin?
I like standing with this pumpkin Mommy.

Cutest Halloween Couple 2005
Future Mr. and Miss America ladies and gentlemen. They make one cute little duo.

I See A Band In The Making
You use those sticks to play the drums and I'll sing!!

George Lucas Eat Your Heart Out!!
Our little Yoda. How cute is he???

Autumn Fest at DIBC
OH. MY. GOSH!! Thanks Mr. Billy. This is great!!

We Love Autumn Fest!!
Thomas and Mommy.

Who Are These Guys??
Tyler and Lawrence in their costumes. Can you believe they let these guys run the show? What are they thinking?!?!?!

And The Winner Is...
YODA!!! Thomas waving in appreciation of his first place award. Also pictured are our friends William (the frog), Matthew (the crab), and Landon (the pumpkin). A group of boys that are sure to cause a lot of trouble one day.

Congratulations Thomas!!
Thomas with Daddy after accepting his award.

So this explains the reason that Thomas won the costume contest.

Thursday, October 27, 2005
Chillin' In My Chuck Taylors
As you can see, Thomas understands that he is super cool with his retro Converse look. He sends out a big thanks to his Meme for these cool kicks. He is playing in his play pen which has become one of his favorite places to play. And mommy loves it because it keeps him contained and when he falls it is not hard tile. It is the baby gift that keeps the whole family happy!!

Doesn't He Know It's The Green Part That Kills??

As Thomas is preparing for Halloween, he is practicing his Lightsaber skills. He has yet to figure out that with a real lightsaber, his hand would be gone. Doesn't he know how dangerous those things can be?? Obviously we haven't taught him enough about Star Wars. I guess we have some work to do!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Bumps & Bruises, Halloween, Aunts, Computers, and Losing Pants
We have been super busy here at the Johnston house. I figured it was about time for a Blogger update. Aunt Heather and Blake were here this past weekend. We had a lot of fun seeing them and getting to hang out with them. We sure do miss them both a lot. I think that Heather may miss Thomas a lot more than she misses us. She claims it's not true, but we all know that it is. We unfortunately did not get any pictures while they were here. But no fear, we will be in Fargo next month, and I am sure we will take enough then to make up for it. It has been harder to keep up the blog because I no longer have the time I used to because my son is a mobil fanatic. He is keeping us all on our toes. He is everywhere. And usually when he is there he is falling and hurting himself. This past Sunday he had a "black eye." Of course, just like any good child he got it right before heading to church so he was sure to get a lot of sympathy. Here is a picture. Notice the cute pegs he has. :)


He also continues to be obsessed with standing up. This has made nap time increasingly difficult. I lay him down, but all he wants to do is stand, stand, stand. I try to get on to him, tell him "no sir" and lay him down, but every time I go in there is has this cute little smile on his face that I can't resist.


. I love this picture of him all up in his mobile. It is one of the many times that I had to go lay him down. Thomas is still on the thin side, so very few of his pants fit him right. This is usually not a problem because he wears shorts a lot. But since it has been cool the past couple of days, he has been wearing pants. Pants that are too big when you are a crawler can cause some problems. Most of these involve losing your pants. They will sometimes fall off of him if he is standing for a long time as well. . Ah, who can resist a cute little hiney like that. :) Very few people think that Thomas looks like Tyler. Most people say that he either looks like me or my brother Heath. But... no one who gets to know Thomas can deny the fact that he is totally his father's son. He loves computers, wires, lights, and basically anything that has any technology associated with it. He is going to be a geek just like his daddy. Tyler has now given him his own keyboard, mouse, remote, and phone to play with. It keeps him happy longer that any of his actual toys. Ah, boys...


"Hmmm, I know this wire plugs into something. Where can I put it, where can I put it??"

And to finish, just a Halloween greeting from Thomas. Stay tuned, next blog will include Yoda pictures. And trust me, you DO NOT want to miss those. .

Thursday, October 20, 2005
Things a Christian Mom should Never Say to Her Son...
"Stay away from that Bible boy!!" In my defense... He was about to attack my Bible and I did not want him to ruin it.

Think I Am The Cutest You Will
Check out Tyler's Site for a Halloween Costume preview. More pictures will follow.

Saturday, October 15, 2005
Thomas Takes A Stand!!
We have been dealing with many tears and bumps this week as Thomas is perfecting his standing. Thomas seems to do okay, but I cry like a baby everytime he falls. :) First it was the crib at church, then the dishwasher, now his obsession with standing has taken to the coffee table. This is not as easy for him as the others, and he falls about 1/3 of the time. Most of the time we are there to catch him, but sometimes we are not fast enough. :( This is when Mommy and sometimes Thomas begin to cry. Okay, so I'm lying he screams until we shove the paci in and get him calmed down. We have tried to explain to him that this is one of the pains of getting bigger. He seems to understand. Tyler captured him standing today on film. Check out his site to watch. It's pretty cute.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Just To Make your Heart Melt
I couldn't help but take a photo of this beautiful scene that I could see from our video monitor. Sometimes my heart is just melted by this baby boy. Those hands, those lips... is there anything cuter??

Monday, October 10, 2005
The More Things Change...
...well, the more they change. Looking back, I don't think Tyler and I could have ever imagined how much having a child would change our lives. Our little boy has changed our lives in so many ways it can't even begin to be described. Tyler, as any of our friends will tell you, has become a softy. I am sure that those who knew him before we got married and saw him now would not even believe the person that he has become. My tough husband now lives and breathes for this little boy. Our outlook on life has just become so different. I am amazed at what makes me cry, laugh hysterically, and just shake my head in disbelief. I was always one who could keep my emotions in check when needed and let them go when the time called for it. Not anymore. My emotions are now in charge, and I blame it all on Thomas. He was 7 months old yesterday. That is so hard to believe. He is now the owner of two teeth, of which he is very proud of. We laugh because he knows when he has done something great. He will just grin at you as if to say, "Yeah, I know, I am the cutest and best baby ever." Yesterday I had one of those times when all of my emotions came to a head. Yesterday while working in the nursery I was trying to get Thomas to take a nap. This is getting harder and harder to do at church, but usually if I work hard enough it will happen. I heard him crying so I went in to give him his paci, and I just started laughing... and then crying... and then I shook my head in disbelief. There in the crib was my tiny little boy standing up smiling the biggest grin ever at me. Jen and Pat (my mother-in-law) were in there and got to experience this as well. He knew he had done some great and we were all sure to tell him that he was right. He is growing up so fast and it is just so hard to believe. I am just so thankful that God sent him to us. We could have not asked for a better addition to our family.
(I have also added a few other pictures from his 7 month pics and SC trip.)

So big sitting up. And look at that sweet boy hair. He looks so busy here. I love it!!

Awww, it doesn't get much sweeter than that. He loves mommy's People Magazine almost as much a she does. (Thanks for the subscription mom!!)

Just because I think they are the cutest things I have ever seen. And so kissable.

Have blankie, will travel. He loved playing on this toy at Jen's. He hasn't quite figured out how to do it himself, but loved to be pushed around on it.

So beautiful!!

Monday, October 03, 2005
Who Says A Florida Boy Can't Go To Fargo, ND??
Jen and I found this adorable hat for Thomas today. I thought it would be perfect for our trip to Fargo over Thanksgiving. We are going to spend the holiday with Aunt Heather and are trying to get some warm clothes together. It has little matching mittens, and let me tell you... Thomas is one cute boy with this little hat on.

If you look close enough, you can see his little tooth. :)

Sunday, October 02, 2005
Safe And Sound In South Carolina
Thomas and I have arrived safely in Columbia. So far we have had so much fun visiting our friends the Baxleys. Today we spent the day in Charleston which was a first for both Thomas and I. It was a lot of fun and neat to see all the big and pretty houses. Jen and I spent the day picking out our favorites and the ones we were ready to move into. We miss our Daddy and hear that he doing good. He is a little jealous that we have come to a little bit cooler weather while he has gone much warmer weather.
Thomas and Martha have been so sweet together. He loves her. He gets so excited when he gets to look at her and just wants to grab and kiss her. Last night she would just laugh and laugh at him. He would crawl toward her and it made her crack up. Of course, Jen, Micah and I caught it all on tape. We were having as much fun as they were.

I love this picture because we both look SO tired. If you can believe it, this is the Tampa Airport before we even left.

He eventually got his energy back and was loving playing on the plane. We were lucky and had the seat next to ours empty on both of our flights. This gave him some great space to play.

This is Thomas and I on his first flight. He was such a trooper. Everyone around me was telling me what a good baby he was and that I was so lucky to have such a good baby. Even after a successful flight, we were still happy to be on the ground safe and sound. And so excited to see the Baxelys.

We went to Charleston today. This was mine and Thomas' first trip there. We had a lot of fun and ate some super yummy seafood at Hymans. In these pictures we are at Battery Park where we stopped to give both of the babies a pit stop. Thomas was playing on the grass and got pretty dirty. We were joking that he was being a little WT baby.

I think he loves his WT baby status.