Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Here They Are, As Promised
So, here are the pictures that I tried to get up the other day. I love this first picture because it shows the way Thomas leaves my kitchen. He has two cabinets that he is allowed to play in so he pulls everything out all the time.

And here is my sweet little reader.

It's times like these that you can actually feel your heart swelling inside of your chest. It's an amazing feeling looking at your wild little boy sitting sweetly and playing.

We went to the park today with one of our friends and Thomas got filthy. I don't just mean dirty. I mean he was dirty from head to toe. It was great, he is such my little boy. I took some pictures (pre dirt). I will get them up later. He is now taking a rocking nap after playing outside all morning. There's nothing like hot Florida sun to make a little boy sleepy.


Blogger middledavis said...

Aaahhh, Ida Marie. Such a sweet little boy. Looking at Thomas brought back memories for me of when my kids were little.
I'm so glad you keep this blog for us to follow his progress as he grows.
Now, if I can just post some photos to MY blog, we'll be able to share more photos!
Aunt Frances

he's serious about those toys, isn't he. i should have all my Jamaica pictures and some others posted by the end of next week...just incase you had your fingers crossed.

Blogger Cara said...

What a handsome little boy!!:)

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