Tuesday, November 29, 2005
We woke up Friday morning to blanket of snow. It had snowed about 3 inches and would continue to snow a little more. We were so excited. I had hoped it would snow for mine and Tyler's Christmas card picture. (I will not post any of those since many of you will be receiving one.) The first thing Heather said was, "Those people at Best Buy, do you think they were out in this all night??" Our answers were confirmed on the news when we saw them rushing into the same store we had seen them outside of. No newscaster mentioned the fact that they had been waiting in front of the store since about 6:30 the night before and it had snowed while in the single digit temperature of the night. I like a good deal as much as the next guy, but COME ON PEOPLE!!! It was snowing!! Was it really worth the frost bite you got to save $100 on some technical piece of equipment you probably didn't need anyway? I say NO THANK YOU!! So that is my vent on the crazy day after Thanksgiving shoppers.
We took Thomas out for his first snow adventure. He was all bundled up in blankets and seemed to enjoy the fun cold stuff in his hands.
This would soon change. By mid-afternoon he hated the snow. And let me say that when I used the word hate I do mean hate. Why Aunt Heather would move to such a God forsaken place can only be answered by showing you this picture.
I am not going to say whether he is worth it or not, but lets just say that if Tyler said he was moving me to the tundra I might tell him he was not worth it.
And look at him, he would so be worth it!! Although, Thomas in this picture is agreeing that NOTHING is worth this cold. The next two pictures are just random pictures that I like. The one of me with Heather and Thomas I think is cute. It show Thomas becoming very OVER the picture taking as well as the snowy teen weather.
This picture is fun for me because there is a web cam at Condordia College that I look at most days. This is what you see from the camera. For more pictures check out Tyler's site. Also, I am trying some new ways to post photos so if you have trouble reading the text let me know. I am working on preventing that from happening.
Monday, November 28, 2005
What was Thomas' favorite thing about North Dakota?? It was the cold glass, now don't misunderstand and think he liked the cold, he liked the cold glass. He licked it every chance he got. Heather assured us that they had been cleaned, so we weren't too worried. This photo was taken Thanksgiving morning. I have decided to take the next couple of days to work on our whole trip. You will experience it one day at a time, just as we did.
Thomas playing on Blakes bean bag. We found that it was a great way to contain him for a while because he had trouble getting out of it. If you look closely you can see my favorite thing about this photo. In his hands are scraps of paper that he has torn and is playing with. He does this all of the time. No magazine or catalog is safe with him around.
One cute and cuddly boy!!
Thomas with Aunt Heather and soon to be Uncle Blake. Grandma wanted some pictures of all of her kiddies. You won't be seeing ours here because they are pretty bad. You will see some from other days, but for those, you will have to wait.
What else other than sweet potatoes and turkey would we feed our boy on Thanksgiving?? He, of course, also got to eat Mommy and Daddy's pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes, apricots, and stuffing. This made Thomas one happy, full boy.
Thomas already understands the love for eating turkey on holidays. What can I say?? He comes from two familes that LOVE their food. He gets it naturally.
Thomas is getting ready for his 2nd Thanksgiving meal of the day. He is also wearing his 2nd Thanksgiving bib of the day. Do we plan ahead or what?? And yes, with this meal he got more pumpkin pie because what is Thanksgiving without the pumpkin pie?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
As you can see, we had some great snow while we were in Fargo. We took so many pictures that it is hard to decide which ones to post. I will do my best not to bore you with 1,000 pictures that are all very similar. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I look forward to sharing ours with you.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
We are heading off to Fargo today. It's supposed to snow. Our stop is in Chicago. There's a bad storm there. We shall see how all of it goes. If you don't hear from me for a while, we are in Chicago living it up waiting to get somewhere else. Until then, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and stuff yourself until you have trouble seeing!!
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Thomas has given me what seems to be a stronger version of the cold that he has. He never really had any coughing or chest congestion and I have it horribly. No, this is not a post of me complaining about being sick, it is post to show you how sweet the two guys in my life are. (Yes! I just said that Tyler was sweet.) We got home from Jacksonville Monday afternoon and I was feeling just a little worse than I might have felt had I been hit by a bus. Tyler went to work to get some stuff done and then, he actually went to the grocery store, bought groceries, and came home and COOKED them. I could not have been more proud. And what could make me even MORE proud?? The fact that Thomas wanted to help him out. This could have been from guilt. I mean, I was in the state that I was in because of him.
Something else that makes me happy, it is snowing in Fargo this week. This makes me very excited although I am not sure that Heather is with me on that one. It also looks like it will snow right before we get there next week. My theory is, if it is going to be cold, it better be snowing. I am sure if there is snow on the ground, Thomas will be very tired of the camera before we home. Also, the fourth Harry Potter movie comes out on Friday. My mom is actually coming into town to watch Thomas so that I can go see it during the day. I can't wait. I am sure that it will be great. Well, that is the news around the Johnston house. We are beginning to feel better and getting a little more sleep around here. It is a beautiful thing.
Monday, November 14, 2005
We had a lot of fun in Jacksonville, even if the game did leave much to be desired from our side. Although, I am sure that there are plenty of Jaguars fans that thought it was great. We got in Saturday and joined the rest of the gang for dinner. We all met up at Jarret's hotel where Thomas was apparently entertained by Ravens DE
Terrell Suggs. I unfortunately missed this because he was with Mary Beth. Her and her mom said it was quite a sight though. It was great seeing all of the extended family and catching up with everyone. And we had plenty of time for that since we ended up being at the restaurant for 3 1/2 hours. We are convinced that they used an Easy Bake Oven to cook the food. It was served one at a time and not always close together. Mary Beth may still be asking for that apple pie she ordered. The next day for the game it was nice and toasty, but we got through it with plenty of laughs.
Thomas with his Aunt Dee Dee. He melted all of the ladies at dinner into Jell-O by being extra sweet and giving lots of hugs and taking lots of kisses.
Me with my crazy cousin from the previous post. There is never a dull moment when we are together!!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Thomas will one day ask when looking at all of his baby pictures, "Mommy why do you have no pictures from the day I turned 8 months old?" I could give him many answers. "8 months isn't that exciting. It's not like 3,6,9, or 12." "Mommy was just bored with taking pictures. You're cute, but you only need so many pictures." But the honest answer would be... "You had more snot coming out of your nose then I have ever seen and you cried most of the day because you couldn't breathe and couldn't suck your paci or drink your bottle and therefore didn't sleep at all for two nights until mommy had you medicated. So that is why I frankly did not feel like taking your picture and forgot to do it due to the lack of sleep and the eye that was constantly twitching. It's hard to take pictures with a twitching eye!" Luckily, since he is a boy he will probably neither care or even notice that there are no pictures from his 8th month. Ah, but you can tell what kind of week it has been here at the Johnston house. Fun for all. And what's better? Tyler and I both are now getting sick. We NEVER get sick. Like ever.
On to different news. I will be posting pictures at the beginning of next week, because we head out today to watch my cousin play football in Jacksonville. I am so excited. I was very pregnant the last time he was in FL so I didn't drive up to see him. So I haven't seen him in about 9 mos. and he has never met Thomas. All of our family is going to be there, so it will be like a mini reunion. So hopefully that will get us out of our sick funk! Or we will make about 25 other people sick which has its own rewards!!
Edited: Read my cousin Mary Beth's comment. She is Jarret's sister, and I think she is a little resentful if you ask me. But we love her just the same. :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Today Thomas and I met Mary Beth over at St. Pete beach. She was in town photographing a wedding and we couldn't pass up the chance to spend the day with her. We took Thomas out to the beach and he LOVED it. I am not talking just liked it, I am talking he had the best time ever. I wasn't sure how he would react since he has not been in sand for some time, but it didn't take him any time at all to start covering himself from head to toe in this wonderful white stuff. We had to give him a bath before heading for lunch because he had some much sand on him. Looks like he is following in the footsteps of his family's love for all things water!!
He was so busy with his bucket and shovel. Mary Beth tried to show him what to do with it, but he preferred to just fling the sand on his face as opposed to putting it in the bucket.
One happy sandy boy.
Thomas and Mommy
Thomas and his cousin Mary Beth
And just because I think that they are scrumdidiliumpscious. :)
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Because I am pretty sure that is him tackling a giraffe instead of a crocodile. Tyler put this giraffe in Thomas' crib the other day when he laid him down for his nap. When I went in to make sure he had fallen asleep, this is what I found. We are not sure if he is actually sleeping or passed out from the energy it took to tackle this beast. Either way, a 3 hour nap followed so it's all good to me. We now let him sleep with it all the time, and his big furry blanket, and the silkie one he has always loved. I am sure that child services will be coming to take him away any day now, but until then, he can sleep with all of the suffocation hazards he wants to. Because we love him just that much.