But can anyone guess what I did all night long that night??? Yeah, yeah, exactly.
I remember us girls going to Cedar Key once pre-babies. It involved boat rides, sun bathing, napping, yummy food, site seeing, shopping, etc. I had a similar expectation going into this trip it just involved the occasional diaper changing, but boy was I wrong. It's times like these that I realize what having children does to you. It makes you such a bigger person who can cope with what seems like the worst of situations. It also makes you realize that those situations aren't so bad. Yeah, the tripped seemed a little hellish, but we did laugh and we did have fun so all in all we can see a little bright side to it. It's just not a very shiny one.
William turned 6 on April 30th. We attended a little dinner for him the next Sunday. He actually requested that I make his cake. Box cake with store bought icing. It was always my favorite and it looks like it might be his too. And since it was his birthday we let him eat the icing straight from the container.
I did run into a girl from church after I had it done, and she said that she cuts hair and would trim it up for me when needed. I told her I would definitely take her up on that offer to avoid any more scalping catastrophes.