Pea Facial Anyone?? This is us trying Thomas out in his big boy high chair. Needless to say he is not quite ready for it. He is normally a very neat eater.
Can these sheets still be considered clean?? To prevent Thomas from unfolding all of the sheets that I had already folded, I gave him some sheets to play with. He got himself all tangled up in them. I pretended like they were clean and went and put them on the bed anyway.
Crawling can get you into lots of trouble...
Especially when you crawl after a toy into a corner where your mom keeps lots of stuff. The garbage bag is full of clothes that he has grown out of, and the box belongs to a toy that is on loan from our friend Martha. His spatial dilemma did not seem to bother him and all and he just kept on playing like nothing was wrong.
Now, if that last picture didn't pull at your heart strings, this next one certainly will.
Thomas had not slept well today, so I tried to lay him down for an evening nap. I then started making some phone calls, checking my e-mail, etc. He started crying so after a few minutes I went in to give him his paci. This is what I found. How could I resist that?? I went and got the camera, took a few pictures and then scooped him up for a good cuddle. He knows how to work his mommy over.
I had to laugh though because when previewing parenting classes for us to teach at church, one of the classes was pro co-sleeping. (Don't worry we didn't choose it.) They described the crib as a cold dark cage with bars on it. I think even without reading that book, Thomas agrees with them.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
I know that none of you can tell this by the way I write about him, but Tyler and I both are smitten with our little boy. It's just a fact and we have come to accept it, so I hope that you can too. This post is just a bunch of fun photos that I have taken of him recently. We have so much fun with him and laugh at him constantly. He is a ball of energy that already keeps us on our toes. I know that will only get worse. (Or better depending upon how you look at it.)
This is our little budding musician. He may not look like a Johnston, but he has a lot of his dad's and Aunt Heather's traits. This includes his love for music. We are hoping that he will sing like his Aunt Heather. (Although, we would prefer a wee deeper voice.)
sreis photos in a single post is looking sweet! Nice Job Ida J!
series that is.
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